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The Innermost Side - Unfold
Franz Schubert, Franz Liszt

Camiel Boomsma

The Innermost Side - Unfold

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917281026
Catnr: CC 72810
Release date: 06 September 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72810
Release date
06 September 2019

"Vulnerability is an essential part of a creation."

De Nieuwe Muze, 01-10-2019

About the album

Camiel Boomsma: “Many of the pieces on this album I have been carrying with me for many years already. In choosing these works for the recording, I was very conscious of that fact. The longer you carry a piece with you, the more you see ‘who’ the piece is rather than what it is.
Liszt’s music is like an unspoiled landscape. It’s raw, fragile, strong, uncontrolled, poetic and paradoxical. One of the very first works I discovered was Vallee d’Obermann. When I play this piece, I ask myself to open up to this and observe the story that unfolds.
To unfold is essential as well in Liszt’s Liebestraum No.3, Au bord d’une source and Chasse Neige. The common character of these pieces is in a way averse of expectations. It is as if Liszt himself as well did not know exactly how the musical story would unfold. And when the pieces unfold, they all communicate something very profound.
The three works by Schubert – Gretchen am Spinnrade and Impromptus D899 No.1 and No.3 - are in a subtle dialogue with Liszt. They represent my own inner dialogue as well, a dialogue between a certain poetic discretion and passion.
With this album I have attempted again to search for the layers of the soul, that very specific moving language. Every piece I play is about this endless search. The beauty and expression lie in the fact that I will never find it. It is a continuous journey.”

Op zijn nieuwe album The Innermost Side - Unfold speelt Camiel Boomsma muziek van Franz Liszt en Franz Schubert. De begaafde Nederlandse pianist zoekt naar de absolute essentie van muziek, naar verschillende lagen van de ziel, naar een ontroerende taal. Ontroerend van schoonheid is zijn pianospel zeker. Boomsma: "Elk stuk dat ik speel gaat over deze eindeloze zoektocht. De schoonheid en expressie liggen in het feit dat ik die nooit zal vinden. Het is een voortdurende reis." Een album om in te lijsten.

Onbeschadigd landschap

Veel van de stukken op dit album draagt Camiel Boomsma al jaren met zich mee. Bij het kiezen van de werken voor deze opname was hij zich zeer bewust van dit feit. "Des te langer je een stuk met je meedraagt, des te meer je ziet 'wie' het stuk is, in plaats van wat het is.", aldus Boomsma. Hij beschouwt de muziek van Liszt als een onbeschadigd landschap. Het is rauw, breekbaar, sterk, onbeheerst, poëtisch en paradoxaal. Een van de allereerste werken die hij ontdekte was Vallee d’Obermann. Camiel: "Wanneer ik dit stuk speel, vraag ik mezelf om me ervoor open te stellen en het verhaal dat zich ontvouwt te observeren." Dat ontvouwen is ook essentieel in Liszts Liebestraum No.3, Au bord d’une source en Chasse Neige. Het algemene karakter van deze werken is in zekere zin wars van verwachtingen. Het is alsof Liszt zelf ook niet precies wist hoe het muzikale verhaal zich zou ontvouwen.

Subtiele dialoog

De drie werken van Schubert Gretchen am Spinnrade, Impromptus D899 Nr.1 en Nr.3 gaan een subtiele dialoog met die van Liszt aan. Ze staan ook voor de eigen innerlijke dialoog van Boomsma, een dialoog tussen een zekere poëtische discretie en passie.

Camiel Boomsma

Camiel Boomsma onderscheidt zich als pianist door een geheel eigen geluid. Hij gaat voor zowel traditioneel, als origineel repertoire. Bij de voorbereiding voor een recital kijkt hij graag voorbij de horizon en gaat hij geen ongewone programmering uit de weg. Als Camiel speelt, dan vertelt hij een muzikaal verhaal. Dat levert hem enthousiaste en lovende reacties op van publiek én pers, die zijn spel omschrijft als gevoelig en diepgaand. Boomsma trad op grote nationale en internationale podia op, waaronder het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Teatro la Fenice in Venetië, De Doelen in Rotterdam, De Philharmonie in Haarlem, Shanghai City Theatre, Nanjing Arts Centre en Chengdu Concert Hall.
Camiel Boomsma: „Viele der Stücke auf diesem Album habe ich schon viele Jahre mit mir herumgetragen. Dessen war ich mir bei der Auswahl für diese Aufnahme sehr bewusst. Je länger man ein Stück mit sich trägt, desto deutlicher sieht man weniger was das Stück, sondern „wer“ es ist.
Liszts Musik ist wie eine unberührte Landschaft. Sie ist rau, zerbrechlich, stark, unkontrolliert, poetisch und paradox. Eines der ersten Werke, die ich für mich entdeckte, war Vallee d’Obermann. Wenn ich dieses Stück spiele, erinnere ich mich daran, mich ihm zu öffnen und der Geschichte, die sich entwickelt, aufzunehmen. Diese Entwicklung ist auch grundlegend in Liszts Liebestraum Nr. 3, Au bord d’une source und Chasse Neige. Alle drei Stücke widersetzen sich gewissermaßen der Erwartung. Es ist, als hätte Liszt selbst nicht genau gewusst, wie sich die musikalische Geschichte entwickeln würde. Und wenn sich die Werke dann entfalten, kommunizieren sie alle etwas sehr Tiefgängiges.
Die drei Schubert-Werke – Gretchen am Spinnrade und die Impromptus D899 Nr. 1 und Nr. 3 stehen in subtilem Dialog mit Liszt. Sie repräsentieren auch meinen inneren Dialog; einen Dialog zwischen einer gewissen poetischen Diskretion und Leidenschaft.
Mit diesem Album habe ich wieder versucht, die Schichten der Seele zu ergründen, diese sehr spezifische, bewegende Sprache. Jedes Stück, das ich spiele, dreht sich um diese endlose Suche. Die Schönheit und der Ausdruck liegen in der Tatsache, dass ich diese Schichten nie finden werde. Es ist eine andauernde Reise.“


Camiel Boomsma (piano)

Camiel Boomsma’s musicianship is described by press and public as highly sensitive and profound. In his playing the emphasis lies on telling the musical story. Boomsma has performed at many major national and international venues including the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Teatro la Fenice in Venice, De Doelen concert hall in Rotterdam, De Philharmonie in Haarlem, Shanghai City Theater, Nanjing Arts Center and Chengdu Concert Hall to name a few. Camiel Boomsma distinguishes himself as a pianist with a sound of his own. He aims for traditional as well as original repertoire. When preparing for a recital he likes to look beyond the literature’s horizon and, and does not avoid unusual programming. An excellent example is Boomsma’s love for transcriptions, most...
Camiel Boomsma’s musicianship is described by press and public as highly sensitive and profound. In his playing the emphasis lies on telling the musical story. Boomsma has performed at many major national and international venues including the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Teatro la Fenice in Venice, De Doelen concert hall in Rotterdam, De Philharmonie in Haarlem, Shanghai City Theater, Nanjing Arts Center and Chengdu Concert Hall to name a few. Camiel Boomsma distinguishes himself as a pianist with a sound of his own. He aims for traditional as well as original repertoire. When preparing for a recital he likes to look beyond the literature’s horizon and, and does not avoid unusual programming. An excellent example is Boomsma’s love for transcriptions, most notably those of the music of Richard Wagner.
Noteworthy concerts in 2017 and 2018 are recitals at the Klavierfestival and Wagner Festspiele in Bayreuth and The Concert series at Schloss Elmau in Krün. Furthermore there will be numerous solo recitals in the Netherlands and abroad, and duo recitals dedicated to Debussy and Wagner for 2 pianos with world renowned pianist Severin von Eckardstein.
Boomsma has received great critical acclaim for his Wagner journey. Through solo transcriptions Wagner’s music becomes transparent and speaks to us in a refreshing and revealing way. His recordings for EtceteraRecords, Wagner transcriptions and Porazzi, published in 2015 and 2016, received raving reviews in BBC Music magazine (5 stars), Diapason (4 stars), Trouw, NRC, De Volkskrant, Luister Magazine, Classica and many more, and have been broadcasted extensively by France Musique, Radio 4, Hr2Kultur and ORF.



Franz Liszt

If you would open any biography of Franz Liszt, you would probably mostly read about his disquiet life as a piano virtuoso, his passionate love life, and the return to his catholic roots at the end of his life. Although all of this might be true, it only scratches the surface of his comprehensive musical personality. Liszt was a pianist, conductor, teacher and organiser, but above all he was a composer of a voluminous, capricious body of work. Even though his piano works formed his core business, he gave rise to the symphonic poem, got rid of the organ's stuffy appearance, and reinvigorated the oratorio. Moreover, with his piano transciptions of Bach's organ works and Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique, he was an...

If you would open any biography of Franz Liszt, you would probably mostly read about his disquiet life as a piano virtuoso, his passionate love life, and the return to his catholic roots at the end of his life. Although all of this might be true, it only scratches the surface of his comprehensive musical personality. Liszt was a pianist, conductor, teacher and organiser, but above all he was a composer of a voluminous, capricious body of work. Even though his piano works formed his core business, he gave rise to the symphonic poem, got rid of the organ's stuffy appearance, and reinvigorated the oratorio. Moreover, with his piano transciptions of Bach's organ works and Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique, he was an advocate of both old and new music.
Together with his son-in-law Richard Wagner, he was in the forefront of the Romantic movement and anticipated the musical revolutions of the early 20th century with his new composition techniques.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the...
Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the most frequently performed composers of the early nineteenth century.
It was in the genre of the Lied that Schubert made his most indelible mark. Prior to Schubert's influence, Lieder tended toward a strophic, syllabic treatment of text, evoking the folksong qualities engendered by the stirrings of Romantic nationalism. Schubert expanded the potentialities of the genre like no other composer before.



Vulnerability is an essential part of a creation.
De Nieuwe Muze, 01-10-2019

Boomsma also makes it complete on this beautiful and even intimate CD.
De Nieuwe Muze, 01-10-2019

They are still there: pianists who, as a poet at the keyboard, carry on telling a story lovingly.
Noord Hollands Dagblad, 13-9-2019

Play album Play album


Camiel Boomsma - The Innermost Side: Unfold
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